Wednesday 23 April 2014

Extracurricular Activities

Today Ms M ada choral speaking competition. Semangat dia pagi tadi nak pergi sekolah. We didn't get the chance to see her perform. Only send her to school with lots of kisses and good luck from me and En. ID.
Ms A pun ada upacara tamat latihan tae kwan do hari Sabtu ini. Dia sekarang tali pinggang merah. Saya cadangkan dia sambung tae kwan do tahun hadapan dan habiskan sehingga tali pinggang hitam.
When the girls were small, we enrolled them in many classes which we think may help increase their EQ. But we never forced them to stay in any of the activities if they didn't like it. End up, semua pun separuh jalan. We send Ms A to tae kwan do dulu until blue belt, then berhenti sebab dia dah tak minat. Masukkan art class for a year, then berhenti. Masuk piano class, lepas setahun tukar cikgu, garang pulak cikgu dia, dia nak stop, so we stop. But then bila dia masuk secondary school, we realised that what we did may have negative impact sebab dia tak de apa kemahiran. Walaupun pernah pergi banyak kelas sebelum ni. So, now, kena pujuk dia teruskan juga tae kwan do ni sampai black belt.
Ms M pulak, belajar dari kesilapan lalu, kami masukkan swimming class and diligently send her every weekend for 2 years. Boleh la habis sampai level 6. This year terpaksa stop sebab dia nak UPSR and banyak kelas tambahan on weekend. Pernah juga dia masuk drum class tp seperti biasa, sekejap aje la... lepas tu tak minat dah.
One thing for sure, all these extracurricular activities do boast their self confident. And I think it is never to late for anyone to start learning new thing. So next, we plan for ukelele class for the girls. Kali ni kena PAKSA belajar sampai pandai.

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