Tuesday 23 December 2014


Ms A dapat result PT3 semalam. 9A 1B. B untuk Kemahiran Hidup.

To us, it is an excellent result. To her, it is not good enough. She was expecting a straight A's.

We talked to her and by afternoon ok dah dia.

Kadang kadang, as much as we want our kids to strive for their best, kita kena ingatkan jugak tentang qada dan qadar. Tentang rezeki dan ketentuan Allah.

With Ms A, I can talk to her like an adult. Kami boleh bercerita tentang realiti kehidupan. In life, we sometimes don't get what we want. Sometimes we tried but we still don't succeed. But we must try anyway. Sometimes in our life, people will hurt us, will fail us but be nice always. Life has its ups and downs. Sentiasa ingat, ALLAH ada.

Kadang kadang, achievement buat kita lupa. Buat kita mendabik dada. Jadi, Allah tarik sikit nikmat supaya kita sentiasa ingat. To keep our feet on the ground.

Every children is special in their own way. As parents, kita doakan yang terbaik untuk mereka di dunia dan di akhirat.

To all PT3 babies.... congratulations!!!!!!


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