Tuesday 9 December 2014


Dah masuk December dah. November seems so short.
I was in Hong Kong in early November for meeting. My company's regional office is in Hong Kong and because of that, I will travel to Hong Kong several times a year for meeting. But, I'm definitely not an expert if people ask me about Hong Kong. Because usually it will be work, eat, sleep, repeat. Malas nak jalan jalan.
Coming back from Hong Kong, I suppose to go to Kuching but have to postpone the trip sebab banyak kerja nak kena settlekan. One thing I like about my current job is I can choose my travelling schedule in most cases.
Only one week in office and off to attend training for 3 days.
Start cuti sekolah and MyBibik balik cuti for a month. Lagi lah hectic hidup. The last week of November I have to go to Singapore for a week. Since MyBibik pun tak ada, bawak both my girls to Singapore sekali. So their holiday destination for this cuti sekolah is to follow mummy kerja. They kind of enjoy living in a suitcase. Jadi nomad tukar 3 hotels. At first, I have a meeting in Changi area, so we stay in a hotel in Changi for 4 days. Then, its weekend and we move to Hard Rock Hotel in Sentosa Island. Ada la masa sikit nak layan budak budak tu kat Sentosa. Pergi Trick Eye Museum, Siloso Beach, pusing pusing the island. This time tak pergi Universal Studios sebab dah 2 kali dah pergi.
On Sunday, we move to another hotel near my office in Beach Road and stay for another 2 nites. Tuesday baru balik KL.

Dengan laundry yang menggunung, tiba tiba washing machine pulak rosak. Nice....... So, tiap malam la pergi self service laundry now. Until we decide which washing machine to buy.

Its December and I was hoping for a quiet month. Me and En ID will be going to Jakarta for a short getaway this Thursday. The girls will have to tumpang rumah MyMama sekejap.

MyBibik should be back next Friday. Hopefully.......


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