Friday 19 July 2013

10 Ramadhan 1434H = 19 July 2013

Dah 10 ramadhan. This is the first ramadhan without Miss A around. Last year she had an operation and was at home the whole fasting month.

It does feel different without her around. Sometimes I feel kesian kat dia. Kena berjauhan dengan all of us to study. Do we really need to do this? That question keep popping in my head. People said its for her own good but I know she can do well at home as well so why bother to stay in a boarding school?

I called her everyday asking what she had for iftar, what she had for sahur. The school set up a few stalls selling food stuffs inside the school compound. We gave her extra pocket money so she can buy whatever she want at the stalls.

So, there are just 3 of us at home. Me, Encik ID and Miss M.

Miss M is her usual self. Chirpy as ever even at 4.45am during sahur.

Another record I made this year's Ramadhan is..... we only went to Pasar Ramadhan once. In these 10 days!!!!! We usually had light meal for iftar. Roti jala.... mee goreng etc. I leave the office early and can reach home by 5.30pm everyday. Ample time to cook. So what we had for iftar so far?

Day 1 - Popiah goreng and claypot chicken rice
Day 2 - Roti jala and kari daging
Day 3 - Nasi lemak and ayam goreng rempah - Miss A came back for the weekend.
Day 4 - Soto ayam and puding jagung (since its weekend and mama came over for iftar)
Day 5 - Nasi tomato with ayam masak merah - for Miss A to bring back
Day 6 - Bubur lambuk and some food from Pasar Ramadhan for Miss M. Encik ID had iftar at his office
Day 7 - Mee goreng basah
Day 8 - Lontong with rendang daging
Day 9 - Mee rebus - tried a new recipe and its not that nice :-( and tahu sumbat udang

and today... tak tahu lagi apa nak masak.

I think not bad for a working mum..!

Till then... Selamat beribadah dibulan yang penuh berkat ini.

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